UPDATE 5/09/2022** Phase 2 of the Clearfork Construction is now complete and open to trail users. We are still watering along this section, but we are working around trail users.

UPDATE 4/11/2022** Phase 2 of the Clearfork Construction is expected to complete this month. The crew is working to backfill the area and water trucks will be in the area to help establish grass. During this time minimal disturbance is expected; however, please continue to use caution while in this area.

UPDATE 12/02/2021** Phase 2 of the Clear Fork construction began this past month. This phase diverts trail users onto the sidewalk along Clear Fork Main Street, in order for construction crews to improve the soft surface and the concrete trail.

The blue line represents the trail detour along the sidewalk, the red area is the closure, and the purple line indicates the detour for trail users to cross on the low water dam.

UPDATE 9/28/2021** On Monday, September 20, concrete was poured for Phase 1.5 of the construction at Clearfork. The next step of this section before opening and moving onto Phase 2 is to backfill and seed. Phase 1.5 is expected to be open the first full week of October.
Next, Phase 2 will be shut down and the full detour will be put in place the first week of October.

UPDATE 7/22/2021** Today, Phase 1.5 begins with demolishing the existing pavement in preparation for the new concrete trail.

UPDATE 6/16/2021** Yesterday, June 15, the final concrete pour was completed for Phase 1 of the Clear Fork construction project. It will take an additional 2 weeks to clean and finalize the area before reopening Phase 1 to trail users and then moving to Phase 1.5. Trail users will be diverted onto the screenings trail while the concrete is replaced and drainage in the area is repaired. While this detour takes place, Phase 1 will be open.

UPDATE 5/3/2021** Phase 2 of the Clearfork Improvements will begin soon. This phase will be divided into two sections.
Section A, from The Trailhead to the low water crossing, will be organized similar to Phase 1 as trail users are diverted to the concrete or soft-surface trail while improvements are made.
Section B, from the low water crossing to Bryant Irvin Road, will require a full closure for that section of trail. Due to the physical constraints of the section, and in light of trail user safety, two detours will be established. Signage will be installed at the detour locations and available online. Stay tuned to this blog for more information.

UPDATE 4/13/2021** Today, the first concrete pour of Phase 1 began. There are more concrete pours scheduled for this phase of construction. Please continue to use caution as you walk, run or cycle as construction trucks will be traveling through the area.

UPDATE 3/16/2021** Beginning the third week of March, trail users will be diverted to the new soft-surface trail as work starts on the concrete trail replacement.
UPDATE 2/4/2021** During the construction process, no trees will be cut down or removed. The benefits of the trail improvements are to reroute the soft surface trail and to take advantage of meandering through the trees for an improved experience and increased shade.

UPDATE 11/11/2020** Today, November 11, 2020, small detours begin while the drop inlets, also known as storm drains, are installed. The full detour of Phase 1 starts on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
First, Trinity Trails users will be detoured to the concrete trail during the realignment of the soft-surface trail. Once realigned and the drop inlets are installed, trail users will be diverted back to the soft-surface trail while the concrete trail is removed, realigned, widened and poured.
The Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) heard your requests for wider and more comfortable trails for cyclists and pedestrians in the highly used section of the Trinity Trails along the Clear Fork of the Trinity River. The vision is now becoming a reality
Beginning the week of November 9, phase 1 of the three-phase project will commence at the Trailhead at Clearfork, most commonly associated with Press Café and Mellow Johnny’s. There will be a few instances when parts of the trail are rerouted to a different surface type, but the trail will not be closed. These improvements at minimum will take a full year to complete and will be accomplished in the following three phases:
Phase One
The Trailhead @ Clearfork to Clearfork Main Street Bridge
Phase Two
The Trailhead @ Clearfork to Bryant Irvin Road
Phase Three
Clearfork Main Street Bridge to Hulen Street
Each phase will follow the same pattern. First, a construction fence will be installed between the soft surface and concrete trail. Next, the concrete trail will remain open while the soft surface is completed. After the soft-surface trail is complete, it will stay open while the concrete trail is completed.
The long-term benefits to trail users will include the concrete trail widened to 10 feet, the soft surface trail will be improved and further separated from the concrete trail and the soft surface trail will be rerouted to take advantage of meandering through the trees for an improved experience and increased shade. No trees will be cut down or removed during the construction process.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation while we address the public needs for this section of the trails.
Make sure to check here to follow the progress of this project.
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