Painting the River: Gabriel Prusmack

Painting the River: Gabriel Prusmack

Artist: Gabriel Prusmack  Hometown: Galveston, TX  Title of Work: Nature is Design  If Gabriel Prusmack could whisper into the ear of someone standing in front of one of his pieces of his work he would simply say: “Be free.” It’s not surprising...

Artist Submission Form

ARTIST SUBMISSION FORM The Trinity Trails Art Initiative is a dynamic, long range program with the goal of creating visual interest and inspiration throughout the Trinity River and Trails. Submitting your work will provide the opportunity for consideration in future...
Painting the River: Jimmy Jenkins

Painting the River: Jimmy Jenkins

Artist: Jimmy Jenkins  Hometown: Fort Worth  Title of Work: Cloud 9  In “Cloud 9” Jimmy Jenkins’ Trinity Trail mural, a Great blue heron is launching itself from Trinity River banks, barely skimming over the cattails and reeds where a paddling of...
Stay safe while using the trails

Stay safe while using the trails

Plan to get outside this weekend? The TRWD Trinity Trails provide a great place to stretch your legs and soak in some vitamin d. Remember to practice all social distancing rules and stay safe. Looking for the closest place to access the trails? Download the TRWD...