Painting the River: Callie Stiewig

Painting the River: Callie Stiewig

Artist: Callie Stiewig  Hometown: Springtown  Title of Work: Trail Crawlers  Make no mistake, Callie Stiewig is not crazy about bugs.  The Springtown artist does, however, believe in seeing the beauty in life – no matter how small. ...
Westbank Trail Improvements and Closure

Westbank Trail Improvements and Closure

Update: 1/19/2021 The stretch of trails along the Westbank has re-opened for 2021. Features such as stronger gaurdrails, enhanced lighting, new hardscaping and more accessible parking was added. Head out to the Trinity Trails to check out these great improvements....
Painting the River: Robert Burns

Painting the River: Robert Burns

Artist: Robert Burns  Hometown: Memphis, Tenn.  Title of work: Recess  Floating islands. Flying turtles. A monster-size heron being ridden by a little girl. Fanciful, free-standing waterfalls. All of these are a part of the fantasy world created by...
Trail Detour Riverside Trailhead South

Trail Detour Riverside Trailhead South

We will be working on improving the asphalt trail near Riverside Trailhead South and replacing it with a new concrete path. An access trail will be built as well that will serve as a detour route during the new concrete path construction. If you have any questions...